Yerkin Tatishev

Explained: Yerkin Tatishev of Kusto Group’s Passion for Education

 Yerkin Tatishev, the founding chairman of Kusto Group, has made a name for himself as a leader in multiple industries. However, beyond his business acumen, Tatishev has demonstrated a deep passion for education. 

Through various initiatives, he has showcased his commitment to creating positive change in the educational landscape, with the most notable being the establishment of the High Tech Academy in Kazakhstan. This passion for education is deeply intertwined with his belief in empowering the next generation and fostering innovation R essential pillars of both his personal mission and Kusto Group’s broader objectives.

Yerkin Tatishev’s Vision for Education

Yerkin Tatishev’s passion for education stems from his understanding that the future of any nation depends on its youth. As someone who has successfully built an empire through Kusto Group, he recognizes the transformative power of knowledge and education. 

Tatishev’s vision is not only about providing basic education but also about revolutionizing how young people learn in today’s rapidly evolving world. His focus is on equipping the younger generation with the skills needed to thrive in the digital and technological era.

In Tatishev’s view, traditional educational models are no longer enough. With industries shifting and the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, Tatishev has been an advocate for modernizing educational systems. He believes that young people should not just be consumers of technology, but creators and innovators who can lead in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics and digital entrepreneurship. This forward-thinking approach has guided much of his philanthropic work as well as the educational endeavors he supports through Kusto Group.

High Tech Academy: An Innovative Approach to Learning

One of Yerkin Tatishev’s most significant contributions to education is the founding of the High Tech Academy. Located in Kazakhstan, the High Tech Academy embodies Tatishev’s forward-looking vision for education, offering a dynamic learning environment that blends traditional academic values with modern technological advancements. The school emphasizes hands-on learning, critical thinking and the development of digital skills that are crucial in today’s global economy.

The High Tech Academy is unique in the way that it seeks to bridge the gap between conventional education and the needs of the digital age. Through a curriculum that encourages collaboration, problem-solving and the use of modern technology, the academy aims to prepare its students not only for local challenges but also for global competitiveness. 

Yerkin Tatishev’s investment in the High Tech Academy showcases his desire to cultivate the next generation of innovators and leaders who can drive economic growth and development, both in Kazakhstan and internationally.

The school’s mission aligns with Yerkin Tatishev’s belief that the future lies in the hands of those who can harness the power of technology to create solutions for the world’s most pressing issues.

Kusto Group’s Broader Educational Initiatives

Yerkin Tatishev’s passion for education extends beyond the High Tech Academy. As the head of Kusto Group, he has made education a core component of the company’s social responsibility agenda. Kusto Group actively supports educational programs that are designed to improve access to quality education for children in underserved communities, particularly in the regions where the company operates.

Kusto Group’s initiatives focus on enhancing educational infrastructure, offering scholarships and partnering with local educational institutions to improve the quality of teaching and learning. These programs reflect Tatishev’s belief that education is the foundation of social and economic development. By supporting education, Kusto Group not only contributes to the communities it serves but also ensures a skilled workforce for the future.

Yerkin Tatishev’s Commitment to Lifelong Learning

Yerkin Tatishev’s passion for education is not confined to formal schooling. He is also a strong advocate for lifelong learning. In today’s fast-paced world, Tatishev recognizes the importance of continuous education to adapt to changing market conditions and new technologies. Whether it’s through online courses, professional development workshops or mentorship programs, he believes that people of all ages should have the opportunity to continue learning and growing.

This commitment to lifelong learning is reflected in Kusto Group’s internal culture as well. Within the company, employees are encouraged to pursue further education and professional development. Yerkin Tatishev has fostered an environment where learning and innovation go hand-in-hand, ensuring that Kusto Group remains at the cutting edge of industry trends and technological advancements.

The Role of Education in Social and Economic Development

Through both his personal efforts and the initiatives of Kusto Group, Yerkin Tatishev has demonstrated a deep understanding of the role education plays in driving social and economic development. He sees education as a powerful tool for reducing inequality, creating opportunities and fostering innovation. Tatishev’s commitment to education is not just about philanthropy; it’s about creating a sustainable future for the next generation.

His work with the High Tech Academy, as well as Kusto Group’s various educational programs, underscores the belief that the private sector has a crucial role to play in improving education. By investing in education, Tatishev and Kusto Group are contributing to the creation of a more equitable society where young people, regardless of their background, have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed.


Yerkin Tatishev’s passion for education is evident in both his personal initiatives and the broader efforts of Kusto Group. Through the establishment of the High Tech Academy and the company’s ongoing support for educational programs, he is helping to shape the future of education in Kazakhstan and beyond. 

His focus on innovation, technology and lifelong learning reflects a forward-thinking approach that is necessary in today’s fast-changing world.