6 Tips to Get Your New Brand Noticed in Essex

6 Tips to Get Your New Brand Noticed in Essex

So, let’s set the scene to begin with. You are a new brand in Essex. You have worked hard to deliver products or services you think are new and refreshing to the market. You believe that you can challenge the big players in the industry. There is just one thing going wrong. You cannot seem to get your brand out there and be noticed. Indeed, you can be a fantastic brand and offer something fantastic. But, if you are unable to reach the right audience, you are not going to enjoy any sales.

The good news is that you can change this around. Indeed, you can make sure your new brand is the talk of the town in Essex and beyond. Here are six tips to hype up your new brand and get noticed.

Concentrate on Branding

Perhaps you are excited to get your new brand out there in Essex. So, you have been rushing your logo and branding. Well, first of all, you should know that this is a bad idea. You want to make sure that you are concentrating on branding to begin with. You need to ensure that you stand out from the crowd and are unique. This is going to be what grabs the attention of customers, not just to begin with, but years later too.

Therefore, make branding a priority. Work hard on your logo, ensuring that it embodies your business ad shows your brand in the best light. In addition, think about the branding you are going to have on your website.

Create an Intuitive Website

Of course, you are going to need a website for your Essex brand. This is how the majority of customers are going to find you, whether this is to read more about your story or to purchase products. So, you want to make sure you take the time to create an intuitive website that shows off your brand in a positive light.

Do not make the mistake of rushing your website design. Yes, you want to get the site up and running. But, once it is out there, you only get one opportunity to create a good first impression. You want to take your time and come up with the best design that works for your brand. Plus, you want it to be easy to operate and straightforward for customers.

Invest in SEO

Next, now that you have your website created, you need to invest in SEO. This is going to make sure that you have visibility online and that customers are able to discover your brand. For professional help with SEO, check out https://www.clickslice.co.uk/seo-services-essex/. ClickSlice has an SEO service for Essex brands, which including creating a custom optimisation strategy.

Note that if you are going to take on SEO by yourself, you have to be ready for the commitment. We are talking about creating a suitable SEO strategy and working on it consistently. You have to monitor results, adapt your strategy and keep up with algorithm updates. If you are not able to do this, it is best to outsource this task to an SEO agency in Essex that knows what it is doing.

Offer Something for Free

If there is something that everyone loves in Essex, it is a freebie. People cannot resist getting a bargain on something new, whether this is a free product or a free trial. Indeed, it can be the difference between someone buying from you and leaving your website. The enticement of a freebie can make them stick around and give your new brand a shot.

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So, think about something that you can give your customers for free. You want to make this good so that they are impressed with your brand. The goal is that they return as a customer again in the future. You want to be as generous as you can be without getting your business into problems. Indeed, it creates excitement and interest, which makes people more likely to check out your website and see what you are offering.

Go to Networking Events

Are there opportunities to network in Essex? You want to ensure that you are going to these events. This is going to give you a chance to talk to people that might be interested in working with your brand, as well as getting the word out to customers. You can speak to the right people that are also at these networking events.

Therefore, keep an eye out in Essex and the surrounding areas for networking opportunities. You can travel with your brand, and this helps to generate excitement, partnerships and new sales. What’s more, you can gain inspiration from other brands too.  So, it can be beneficial in a number of ways. You can bring posters with you, as well as samples of products you can give away. This allows people to sample your brand without having to buy anything. Indeed, there are tradeshows and a number of different events running up and down the country. So, do not be afraid to branch out from Essex too. It could help your brand go national and generate interest.

Start a Social Media Competition

Most of your customers are going to be on social media. Indeed, most people have at least one account that they use on a regular basis, whether this is Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You want to make sure that your brand is visible to new people and gets them interested in what you have to offer.

How can you do this? Well, a good way to spread the word about your brand is to start a social media competition. This is going to make sure that your brand pops up to new people. The idea is that people will share your brand so that they can win something. They might also have to follow your social media pages, which is going to keep them in contact with what you are offering in the future.